Location: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Dates: 2015 - 2018
Available for Sale: Yes
Eucalyptus tereticornis – Forest Red Gum is a large Tree. This tree was reaching its maximum height of 50mts and was up to 1.8mts in diameter.
The Tree fell on the Noosa Eumundi Road in September 2015.
Situated in the district of Doonan, which is a semi rural area in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, in between the townships of Eumundi and Noosa in Queensland, Australia.
Alexander Pollock, Botanist Plant Identification and Advisory Services from the Brisbane Herbarium estimated the age of the tree between 250 – 1500yrs old.
This tree is on Kabi Kabi land, the tree is called djom’ba (red gum tree) and had bu’mi’mi (fallen/died). The Kabi Kabi people have inhabited and cared for this land for at least the last 60,000 years. The wood from the original tree and three tonnes were saved by Anne from the local tip and provided the inspiration and material for the project.
During 2015 – 2018 the tree went back into the community, sharing the knowledge and stories of people, place and our connection to the environment. There were creative collaborations, workshops, exhibitions and gatherings of people walking side by side, acknowledging each other’s histories and journeys.
2019 Tree Place Exhibition
2019 Home to Many Native Bee Hive Sculpture, Eumundi State School
2019 Honey Pot Native Bee Hive Sculpture, Noosa Pengari Steiner School
2018 Tree Spirit Native Bee Hive Sculputre, Eumundi Historic Information Centre
2018 Community Exhibition Wan’din’in Eumundi
2017 Natural Dyeing Collaboration, Sevgen.
2017 Standing Here, Global Art Installation.
This project was made possible by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia, the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) which is a partnership between the Queensland Government and the Sunshine Coast Council that supports local arts and culture in regional Queensland and the Cooroora Institute & Eumundi and District Historical Association through ‘Arts and Culture Eumundi’.
Participating Artists
- Shane Christensen
- Lyndon Davis
Anne Harris