Cotton Tree - This Knowledge
Rite Relationship between the salt water and the land. The heart holding love as the only place to truely be. The wisdom of this plant flows through the wisdom the runes open the pathways to be received. Love of another, unconditional love of mother earth, of mother, where there is no I before the other. The love opens an abyss, a container that is boundless, condition-less and pure in its openess. Decentred from self, healed from within deep as the darkest night, without fear, light as the brightest day. Trust of self to leap into the abyss,of self, to leap into the love, that is the pain body of lifetimes of stories carried of unlove, conditions, rejections, betrayals, shame, pain and suffering, when the love was handed over to another. The other cannot understand how to hold the love of another, for the love that I speak of the knowledge that is held within the Cotton Tree speaks only of the love of self, when embraced and consciously embodied and acknowledged, is all and everything.

This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.
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